Calopteryx xanthostoma
Je vous présente mon premier occitan! Il n'a pas été très coopératif et
le soleil se jouait de moi une fois encore. Les odonates ne sont pas
très nombreux autour de mon étang et je pense que le nombre de petits
poissons mangeurs de larves (moustiques, odos, etc...) est trop
important et limitent considérablement le nombre des émergences.
This is my first Western Demoiselle! This male was not very cooperative and the sun was playing hide and seek once more. Odonata are not very many around my lake and I believe the number of fish-eating larvae (mosquitoes, dragonflies, etc.) is too important and it limits considerably the number of the emergences.
This is my first Western Demoiselle! This male was not very cooperative and the sun was playing hide and seek once more. Odonata are not very many around my lake and I believe the number of fish-eating larvae (mosquitoes, dragonflies, etc.) is too important and it limits considerably the number of the emergences.